Transfer Dispute Resolution

Transfer Dispute Resolution Form

  • 被取消学分的机构(派遣机构)或学生 working through the sending 机构, must initiate the dispute. 从那天起 学生被告知学分被拒(接收院校发出评估通知的日期); the law allows a maximum of 45 calendar days for the resolution of the dispute by the sending and receiving 机构s.
  • “转让争议解决”表格必须填写并转发给接收方 机构在评估后15个日历日内提交至 学生.
  • 表格将在教务副校长或指定人员办公室领取. 学生和派遣机构的VPAA将完成相应的部分 ,保留该表格的副本,并将其转发给接收人的VPAA 机构.
  • 在所有争议中,协调委员会表格,CB-TDR,“转让争议解决”必须 be completed to initiate dispute action. The form will provide notification and documentation 解决争议或发起行动的部分专员 resolve the dispute.
  • VPAA或接收机构的指定人员将解决争议 并填写“转让争议解决”或“转让争议解决”的“争议解决”部分 not resolve the dispute and complete other sections of the form.In either case, the receiving 机构 will forward copies of the form to the 学生, the sending 机构, and to the Commissioner of Higher Education.
  • 接收机构未有按指定以书面通知专员 以上,在5个工作日内45个日历日的规定将允许 学生或派遣院校须向专员发出书面通知 可能会导致原来的机构“自动”接受信用证 denied the credit.
  • 如需要专员或其指定人员解决争议, the resolution will be so designated on the form and copies sent to all parties. 这两个 各机构将保存表格档案,协调委员会将保存档案 of all resolutions by 机构s. “纠纷”和. "Problems" Problems that occur 在转让过程中不会总是归类为纠纷,也不会 follow dispute procedures and guidelines. Problems are clearly within the jurisdiction of the receiving 机构. Problems may include, but are not limited to these situations:
    • 学生可能会失去学分,或者不得不额外修低水平的学分 when he or she changes majors.
    • 学生不能决定他们将参加哪一所高级/高级院校的学习 their degree until after they have completed significant lower-level coursework. 课程 taken may not apply or transfer to the 机构 selected.
    • A 学生 may take more than 66 lower-level credit hours.
    • A 学生 may have received unsatisfactory grades in lower-level courses.
    • 学生可以选择职业、技术、发展或补救课程 are not defined as general academic courses.
    • 遵守外部认证机构,新颁布的法规和变化 德克萨斯州教育局或协调委员会的规定可能会使课程无效 学生s have already completed.
    • 学生s may take more credit hours in a course category than will transfer. 例子 include activity hours in physical education, choir, band, etc.
    • Institutions may not accept work that is considered too old.
    • The 学生 may repeat courses to raise grade point averages. Duplicate credit would not be accepted. 

Transfer Dispute Resolution Guidelines

以下准则和定义是为了澄清和加强段落 (6) of Chapter 5, Subchapter A, Section 5.4 of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating 理事会关于转学课程和解决转学争议的规则 Lower-Division 课程.

下列定义是由协调委员会制定的,将适用于 as criteria to resolve legal questions as specified in Section 1.23, Subchapter C, Chapter 61 of the Education Code, Section 61-078. The publications Transfer of Credit 德克萨斯州高等教育协调委员会和社区的政策和课程 大学通识课程指南手册:经批准的通识课程手册 州拨款转到德州公立社区学院的课程是 本文档的参考文献:下级和上级的标准如下 课程学分是由学术课程指引手册更新专责小组采纳的.

  1.     Criteria for Lower-Division Course Credit/Lower-Division (Baccalaureate/Associate Degree) 课程/课程 offered in the first two years of college study are those 哪一个:
    •  是否被州内大多数公立四年制本科院校认可 as courses intended to comprise the first two years of collegiate study, 和
    • Stress development of disciplinary knowledge and skill at an introductory level; OR
    •  包括基本原理和相关的语言、数学和科学概念 with an academic discipline.
  2.     高级课程学分/高级(学士学位)课程/课程标准 只在学士学位课程的第三或第四年提供的课程是:
    • 是否被州内大多数公立四年制本科院校认可 作为包含第三和第四年高等教育学习的课程, 和
    • 涉及超出入门水平的理论或分析专业
    • 需要以前课程提供的知识和技能才能成功演出 由学生.
  3.  可自由转学/包含在学术课程指南中的低级别课程 手册和定义中规定的“低科课程学分”为准 可自由转让,并被任何德州公众接受为可比学位学分 可修读同等课程的高等教育机构 baccalaureate degree requirements. It is understood that each Texas 机构 of 高等教育可能有一些限制,在达到特定长度后,课程就无效了 的时间. For Texas community colleges, these freely transferable courses are identified 在最新修订的教育协调委员会出版物社区学院 一般学术课程指南手册-批准一般学术转学手册 德克萨斯州公立社区学院州拨款课程(1996年修订). 特别排除的是指定为职业,ESEL,技术,发展课程 or remedial, and courses listed as "basic skills." For senior four-year 机构s, 与批准的课程内容和CIP代码相同的低级课程 by the Coordinating Board shall bear equivalent credit. Specifically excluded are course designated as ESL/ESOL, technical and developmental/remedial courses.在 对法律精神的认识是,差异解释为“同一过程” content" may generate disputes.
  4. Disputes/Transfer disputes may arise when a lower-division course is not accepted for credit by a Texas 机构 of higher education. To qualify as a dispute the 有问题的课程必须由拒绝接受学分的机构开设 机构),或者在上级机构的情况下,必须作为下级部门出版 course accepted for fulfilling lower-level requirements. For community colleges, the 课程必须列在社区学院普通学术课程指南手册中, and be offered at the receiving 机构. Additionally, the sending 机构 must challenge the receiving 机构's denial of credit.

    Disputes/Transfer disputes may arise when a lower-division course is not accepted for credit by a Texas 机构 of higher education. To qualify as a dispute the 有问题的课程必须由拒绝接受学分的机构开设 机构),或者在上级机构的情况下,必须作为下级部门出版 course accepted for fulfilling lower-level requirements. For community colleges, the 课程必须列在社区学院普通学术课程指南手册中, and be offered at the receiving 机构. Additionally, the sending 机构 must challenge the receiving 机构's denial of credit.